I really don't know how mothers with multiple children blog on a regular basis. I've pretty much failed at this, haha! At this point, I'm really thankful for my iPhone and that I can blog from my phone..the last few posts have been from there while I'm feeding Ben so the Blogger app is really coming in handy. If it wasn't for that, I have a feeling I'd be a lot worse. :)
The summer has been a crazy one so far, I really can't believe it's August already. Seriously, where is the time going?! Time already sped up once we had Jack but, since having Ben, it's been going at warp speed or something. Not having Dan around for the last few weeks also plays a roll. I'm happy that he had taken Fridays off in June because July was nuts for him at work and it's still going..4 days into August. If it's nuts for him there, it's nuts for me here and there were many days I just wanted to pull my hair out. I love my kids to pieces and wouldn't have things any other way but you really start to get burnt out not having any help. My hats are off to single parents and parents who have to deal with long periods of time with doing things on their own...it's not easy. Along with not having the extra help, it was hot as anything outside so I felt like we were confined to being inside. Thankfully things have been a bit better lately. I'm looking forward to vacation in a few weeks. It'll be nice to play on the beach with Jack and have Dan around for a little while..that is before the next busy time rolls around. I'm already dreading it.
In kid news, they're both doing great!! It's crazy how much Ben is changing everyday and how much of his little personality is coming out. He's a great baby and, although he's not quite as laid back as Jack was, he's a happy little (big! haha) guy. He's been sleeping through the night since just after 2 months. He usually goes from 8 to anywhere from 5- 6:30 in the morning. Up until recently we could give him a bottle and he would go back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. He's starting to either be really up at that time now or will go back to sleep for another hour or so. He's had some mornings of waking at 4:30 but he's generally a really good sleeper (knock on wood!!). We're working naps. He's a good napper but I'm used to Jack who has always been a great, heavy sleeper. He started sleeping through at around 2 months too but would take a 2 hour and a 3-4 hour nap during the day. He still takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. It's harder to have Ben on a napping schedule since we're usually out and about in the morning. I do put them both down at the same time in the afternoon but Ben usually wakes up before Jack does. I know I shouldn't complain though!! The times lets me get some things done and maybe relax a little before it's back to kid duty.
Ben is also starting to move around more. He rolled belly to back about 5 times in a row just after he turned 3 months but he hasn't done it since, haha! I DID get it on video though so I have proof!
He seems to be really close to rolling back to belly but he can't quite get there yet. He gets all the way on his side but just doesn't have the momentum. I blame is chunky legs..they must be heavy to lug from side to side! He's also working on sitting up although I know he's got a ways to go. He's so strong though and really loves when you hold him in a sitting position. I think he's starting to get bored with laying down. The jumperoo is also becoming a favorite of his. I'm happy that he's starting to enjoy bouncing himself around!
Jack is doing really well too! He's still a small guy and it's funny to pick him up and hold him after holding Ben for awhile, haha! He's only around 26-27 lbs at 2 1/2 and Ben was already 18lb at 4 months. I have a feeling Ben will be giving Jack a run for his money once he's mobile and more independent. He's getting a little better with his eating with adding the occasional bite of pizza to his diet and soy nut butter and fluff sandwiches. He's still super picky though and basically lives off fruit (blueberries are his favorite right now), yogurt, wheat thins, cereal and french fries. It's frustrating but he's getting there. :) His vocabulary is off the charts to us. It's amazing to think that at his 2 year appt I could not give the doctor 5 words that he said on a regular basis and now he's telling us what things are and speaking in sentences. I know I've said that before but it really does blow me away. He can count to 15 and can spell his name. I know Jack isn't hard to spell but I'm still proud of him! He'll also sing the alphabet with you and loves to dance. This kid has an awesome personality and is still super sweet. We are so incredibly blessed to have such great kids. :)
Here is he hamming it up (his new thing is wanting to see pics or videos of him after we take them)..
I've really got to whip out our good camera again soon instead of using all of these iPhone pics, haha!
My handsome man :)
So, all in all, things are good. Just hoping we can spend more time as a family the next 2 months before craziness ensues again. :)