Before we headed to the beach, we made a stop at Dan's moms for Labor Day weekend. Jack LOVES seeing his grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins so we really had a great time. He gets spoiled when everyone is around!
One thing that most people close to us know is how cautious Jack is about pretty much everything. I'm a high anxiety person and he seems to have gotten that trait from me..poor kid. It took him about a year before he stopped screaming in the bath tub (I dreaded bath night for the longest time, ugh) and he's carried that fear over to pools and oceans. It took him a bit to get used to the baby pool in our neighborhood this summer but he grew to love it. Bigger pools are more of a challenge. It took some prodding and patience but Mom-mom and Aunt Donna were finally able to get him in!
First onto the step..
Then onto the float..
Then into the actual water (in a float, of coarse), yay!!
Ben with Uncle Mike..
Me and the boy :)
I had meant to cut his hair before we left but there was just so much to do that I didn't have time. I brought along my stuff and cut it before we headed to the beach. He always looks so much older after a haircut!
Jack wanted to take Pop-pop's work truck for a test drive!
Jack and Mom-mom and Pop-pop
What a great weekend! Next stop..Cape May!
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