Thursday, June 9, 2011

One is not like the other

And that is true around these parts!  I know I talk about it all the time but it's just so crazy how different Jack and Ben are.  We totally thought Dan would have 2 mini-me's when it came to the kids so I guess I'm still getting used to the fact that Ben looks nothing like him.  I loved having my skinny, little baby and I'm now loving having my big, chunky baby. :) 

Ben had is 2 month appt a few weeks ago and he weighed in at 14lbs 10oz (95th percentile) and 23.5in long (64th percentile).  At 3 months, Jack was 11lbs 12oz and was 23in.  He was always so skinny where Ben has some girth to him, haha!  I love his chunky legs!  Here is a picture of Ben in one of Jack's old outfits at 2 months (it's a 6m)..

 And here is Jack  at nearly 4 months (I absolutely LOVE this picture of of my favorites!)

 Jack probably wore this for another 3-4 months while I think Ben is out of it now. :)  I know it'll even out eventually but I really do get a kick out of it. 

 In other news, things around here are going well, can't complain!  Jack continues to talk up a storm which I LOVE.  His little voice is so cute and it's so much easier to communicate with him now.  I know he used to get really frustrated when we couldn't understand what he wanted.  He's really good with Ben still and always wants to see him and hug him first thing in the morning and right when he wakes up from his nap.  I love that he's been so good with him.  Ben also seems to really like Jack too. :)  Now that he's more aware and paying more attention to what's going on around him, his little head follows Jack everywhere.  It's so freaking cute! 

We took a little day trip to the local zoo a few weeks ago.  It's the first time Jack has been and he really liked it!  Now we'll just need to take him to the DC or Philly zoo so he can see more animals.

Daddy and Jack checking out the turtles..

Cute baby elephant :)

 Daddy and Jack :)

We went to Dan's aunt and uncles house for a little bit over Memorial Day..was so nice to see everyone!  We've gotten to see them lots lately (Dan and his uncle are doing our deck) which has been a lot of fun.

Mom-mom and Ben on a very windy day, haha!

I love that they have this old rocking horse.  I used to loves these things and Jack loves it too!  I wish we could find one like this..

And a picture of our big baby boy!  Going back to the whole "difference" thing..Ben loves his baths and is totally chill in there.  Jack screamed like a crazy man from day one until he was nearly a year old.  Maybe this explains why he won't get into a pool now (although fine with baths, thank goodness), haha! 

Oh, and an update on the toddler bed situation.  We haven't done it yet, haha!  It turned out that we had the rail to transition to a full size bed but not the toddler bed.  He actually DID nap that afternoon with no rail on his crib at all but I was scared he would fall out so we put the crib side back on.  We have a toddler rail now but we've been so busy every weekend and have been skipping naps and haven't done it yet.  Hopefully this weekend..