Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6 Months!

Guess who's 6 months??!!
I can't, can't believe Ben is 6 months already.  Seriously, where is the time going?  It's really so bittersweet.  While I'm SO happy he's more independent everyday, I do miss the cuddly newborn.  He's so much fun now though (as I hear him starting to fuss in his room, haha!).

6 months stats..he's 21 lb and 27.5 inches.  He's in the 95% for weight and 80% for height.  He's still catching up height-wise, haha!  He's definitely my solid little man but I love it.  (For comparison, Jack was only 17lb and 26in at 6 months.  There is only 6lb between them now..Jack is a 27lb 2 1/2 year old, haha!)  Things he's doing now are sitting up like pro.  He can go 20+ minutes before getting bored or tipping over.  I don't have to put pillows around him anymore but I do put him in the middle of the floor just in case he does tip.  I don't want him hitting his head on furniture!  He's rolling all over and seems like he's trying to crawl (must be hard to pick that big, 21 lb butt off the floor, haha!).  He can scoot himself backward but is still trying to work on moving forward.  He'll spin himself around in circles on his belly though.  He's grabbing everything and babbling up a storm.  He also 'purrs' which is really cute. :)  I need to get it on video..he does seem to do it when he's happy.  He's LOVING Jack right now and gets a kick out of his big brother!  It's awesome to see them sort of interact with each other.  He does laugh but not nearly as hard as he does when Jack does something he thinks is funny.  Jack gets a kick out of that too.  I can tell there will be some battles in the months to come with toys though..we're working on the sharing thing with Jack but I know he won't like it once Ben can really get a hold of his toys!  We've also started giving him more food.  I've made some sweet potatoes, squash, apples and pears so we'll see how that goes.  He's doing great and is such a happy baby most of the time.  I THINK he's teething but it's always so hard to tell since all babies chew and drool.  If he takes after Jack he won't be getting any until at least 9 1/2 months.  Looking forward to updating with some pumpkin patch pics! :) 

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