Friday, May 6, 2011

Bubbs & Jack says

I feel bad admitting it but those with multiple children know that when the second one arrives, the first one sort of gets the shaft for a little bit.  We're settling in a bit more so it's getting easier, aside from the occasional really rough day, but it's been hard to really do one on one time with Jack for the last few weeks.  We really do try to make an effort though. 

Jack loves bubbles (or bubbs in Jack talk) so we headed out back for a little bit.  I said this at Christmas so I'll say it again..having kids really brings back the joy of certain things.  At Christmas watching his face light up at seeing the tree or Santa riding down the street in a firetruck, brought back the simple joy and fun of the season instead of all the commercialism.  Watching him run around and giggling while chasing bubbles reminds me of the fun, SIMPLE things of being a kid.  You totally forget about this stuff (or at least I did)! 

I love his face in this one :) 

Oh, yes, and our backyard looks like it's been attacked by a very large gopher.  In our case, the gopher's name is Dan and he's digging holes for our deck.  Jack fell into a pile of mud and was trying to attempt to clean himself off. :)  

Silly boy!

Time to clean off!

Watching Daddy from the window..

On another note..we're going to attempt him in his big boy bed!!  Dan's converting Jack's crib to a toddler bed tomorrow.  Wish us luck.  He's always been a very, very good sleeper so I'm weary of messing with a good thing but he can't be in a crib forever.  And if we ever want to travel away from home this summer, he has to get used to a bed since the pack and play is for the baby now!  Dan took some pictures of him in his crib tonight..he's loaded up with his Grinch, elephant and zebra. :)

And I've added a picture of Ben for good measure. :)