Thursday, May 5, 2011

Picture time :)

Most, if not all, of these pictures are on facebook but for those of you not on fb, just wanted to add some recent pictures.  Like I said before, Ben is a big boy..way bigger than Jack was at his age.  I just bought a box of size 2 diapers today (we'll only use them at night since we're using cloth diapers during the day) and Jack wasn't in those until at least 6 months.  At his 2 month appt Ben was 12lbs 2oz and 23 3/4 inches long.  Jack wasn't even 12lbs at nearly 3 months.  Ben is already almost half of what Jack weighs (26lbs) and will, most likely, be past that point at his 2 month appt in a few weeks.  I'm loving the leg rolls and the extra chins, he's so stinking cute. :)

One of the first pictures of our new little family.  I was bawling like a little baby when Jack came in and didn't look at the camera.  It's so overwhelming when your "big" baby comes in..all of a sudden, they don't seem so small anymore and you realize how fast they grow. 

Jack with his new little brother.  Ben was jaundice hence his 'nice' yellow color, haha!  I do have to add that Jack as been completely awesome with Ben so far.  He gets frustrated with Dan and me but has yet to really take his frustrations out on the baby.  He calls him "Baby B" and it's the cutest thing.  He's been very loving and gentle with's to hoping he stays that way, haha!

My cutie baby :)


My baldy baby :)  He actually has hair on the back of his head so he totally looks like an old man.  And what little he had on the top of his head when he was born is slowing falling out.

This picture is about 2 weeks old so his rolls have gotten better.  He's such a chunky monkey and I love it!

Jack with crazy post bath hair..Daddy decided to play stylist. :)

Our beautiful niece, Journey with Ben.  She was so good with him!

Journey and Jack.  He LOVED seeing his cousins..wish we could see them more.

Jack sometimes lays on the floor like this and flips through books like he's actually reading them.  Cracks me up because he looks so big to me when he does this.

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