I fell off the blogging wagon pretty much exactly a year ago. We had just moved into our new home and and were busy getting things unpacked and decorated the way we wanted. Then July rolled around and I found out I was pregnant. All day sickness quickly took over and feeling crappy, on top of chasing around a toddler, took it's toll and I gave up the blog. I thought about writing posts here and there but I never got around to it. Now, here we are a year later and I feel like there are lots of things that happened this past year that I wish I had record of, but I don't.
Jack's changed so much and is such a little boy now. We had our first Thanksgiving and Christmas in our home and welcomed our new little boy, Ben. I mainly wanted to start up again for Ben. He's a big boy and is SO different from Jack in that way! I love that I can look back on my old blog and see how big Jack was at a certain time and I love that I have it documented somewhere. The actual baby book fell by the wayside after I wrote in his stats from the hospital, haha! It always seems things are recorded for the first child but not so much for the second child and I don't want to do that. I want to remember these things about Ben too so when he asks me one day, I can tell him. I may back track a little here and there but I'm pretty much starting from right now. Here is a link to the old blog if you're interested in reading anything from that..
So, to start this off..things are crazy around here these days! Benjamin Maurice made his debut on St. Patricks Day, March 17th 2011. He weighed in at 8lbs and 13oz..almost 1lb bigger than Jack was. His labor and delivery were complete opposite from labor and delivery with Jack and I found myself spouting, "I can totally do this again!" literally seconds after he was born, haha! The labor/delivery part was cake but being home with him and Jack is another story. This new life is way more of a challenge but is worth it in so many ways and I wouldn't change a thing. We're slowly but surely settling into a new routine. Jack loves his new little brother and has yet to try and hurt him. I know it won't stay this way but I'll take his loving attitude towards him while I can get it, haha! We're blessed to have two sweet little boys!
I have lots of pictures to post but can't figure out how to put them within the post yet but will update when I do. Here's to staying on the blogging wagon this time around! :)
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